Although dyslexia is characterized by amazing strengths and weaknesses, and exists as a spectrum, most people (including 85% of teachers) still identify dyslexia incorrectly as an intellectual disability (Headstrong Nation).  This stigma of dyslexia is unfortunate and continues to be detrimental.

We can do better!

If you have a child with dyslexia, please don’t immediately dismiss the possibility that you might also have dyslexia. It’s a missed opportunity. Even if you graduated top of your class and read every night, be willing to examine that some of your strengths and weaknesses could fit the profile. If you do have dyslexia, claim it! Share with your children how you succeeded – not just despite dyslexia, but perhaps because of it.

This gives your child hope that they can be like their number one super hero.

Above: Always Trust Your Cape, Alyson Muraski, © 2012