Monthly Archives: July 2014

Understanding ‘attention deficit’ in dyslexics could help improve reading

Dyslexia is well known as a condition that impacts on visual language processing, but recently a number of studies have discovered that it is accompanied by deficits in attention and perception.

As part of the study, just published online via the journal Neurocase, researchers monitored how adults with and without dyslexia responded to an ‘interference […]

By |July 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments|

How To Press Reset On Dyslexia and Win

According to Yvelette Stines, published author, teacher and blogger, dyslexia is simply a different way of learning. “Many people call it a disability, I call it an ability to learn a different way and accept it. Being dyslexic means you have to be creative, because you learn and process differently with the mind. Some […]

By |July 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments|

Dyslexia: What we think of as a learning disability could translate into real-life skills

This article previously linked to an article that contained an unauthorized image of Albert Einstein. The original link has since been removed and so has the content of the original article. The original post with the image of Albert Einstein was republished only for educational purposes and not for any commercial intent and was attributed […]

By |July 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments|

Comedian Joel McHale Talks Dyslexia, Bad TV And Filming A Thriller

Comedian Joel McHale is the star of NBC series Community, host of The Soup on the E! network, and appears in the new movie Deliver Us From Evil.

On reading teleprompters with dyslexia

There [are] all these live shows I’m doing with The Soup now, and I’m reading [a] teleprompter the whole time, and people […]

By |July 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments|